Last Friday 13.04.07.
I had an interesting time spent with my cell group.
Instead of our usual meetings at Bras Basah
I sms 'Lets meet at TCT at 7.00pm for dinner then a suprise.'
It felt shiok to keep them in suspense in not telling them what we're going to do.
I intended to bring them to watch Pastor Jeffrey's tribe good friday event 'JESUS the rock concert' to serve as an 'excursion' to learn from other tribes and also in the hope of giving support to our fellow brother Daniel Khongwho was performing.
Before going into TCT audi, I shared a verse with them from Jeremiah
'IF you SEEK me and SEEK me with ALL your HEART, I'll be FOUND by you.'
This is an attitude that i want to develop and also to inculcate in the lives of
my cell group. The attitude of always wanting to learn and looking out for opportunities to learn.
The KEY words are SEEK, ALL your HEART and FOUND.
SEEK- meaning you have to initiate
ALL your HEART- not half, 2/3, but ALL your heart!
So if we want to find GOD, you gotta be constantly SEEKING with ALL your HEART!
The preacher might be boring and sermon dry, but if you choose to LOOK out for GOD, he can be found by you! Just that some of us choose to switch it off.
The preacher might be preaching the sermon for the 101th time, but if you choose to SEEK with ALL your HEART, new learning points WILL surface.
Therefore, I urged them to look out for 'hearts' and 'attitude' lessons to learn from instead of physical things to look out for like 'Oh the usher should wear baggier pants, the band should play tighter.'
And here goes their learning points!
Jeremiah says:
The Concert came unexpectedly. I can see the fire and passion for christ in the lives of The other tribes...They look extremely Enthu. Ok. what i have learned today ...I have learn tt the power of jesus love is as strong as it ever was before. I have seen many different videos of The Love of christ and how he died . However it never fails to touch my heart, because JESUS IS ALIVE AND THE LOVE IS REAL. So if i have experiance this love, why am i not reaching out to my friends and classmates ?
Wei Peng says:
yep,after seeking god,this iz wad i learnt tonite from e JESUS,THE ROCK CONCERT....
jus nw as the first two person who shares their testimony,a common point from dem struck me...
dey are born in a christian family,but dey onli encounter god wen dey have met wif lots and lots of problems,troubles,which stressed dem alot,then dey came bac to god...God show his LOVE and CARE to dem...and i am sure tat it touches their heart and onli at tat point of time dey truely understand HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD...
i feels tat sometimes although we are christians,but we do nt hv enough faith for our god...we tends to hold things in our hand and not submitting to god...thr4 nt being able to succeed in alot of things we do...BUT onli wen we come bac to rem our god and submitting to him,den we can truely experience e greatness of our GOD..
Nicholas says:
today was a pretty unique " cell " outing. i sure have enjoyed it. I think the thing i've caught was the testimony. I realised theres no point saying God is great God is good all these WITHOUT showing really how great he is. Therefore, thats where testimony comes in. It shows how people are transformed and thats where new believers really wants it. Therefore, i think testimony is import.
And from me,
As i watched the videos of the people's 'pre-believing' lives,
the problems, the struggles and emptiness they are filled with,
actually all it takes is for one person to show them GOD's love, GOD's concern
and One person to sacrifice his time and commitments to walk the journey with him to Bring him into the KIngdom of GOD.
THere are lots of broken people out there,
lots of secondary school boys and girls return home with parents quarrelling over $
lots of students choosing to hang out till late because they fear to return home.
Look out and show GOD's love!