2days ago, I had to sent my Toyota Camry for servicing. I changed into my PT training attire hoping to run back from the servicing centre to keep fit. It has been a long time since I last ran and I feel fat and bulky. I clocked on my car odometer and it read 5.4km. I was like ‘Chey 5.4, no sweat for a specialist like me.’ But it turned out to be one of the worst disaster run of my life. I almost died on the way and was closed to foaming when I reach home.
These are some of the thoughts that ran through my mind while I was running.
1. ‘God please bless me with a red light so that I could stop and catch my breath!’
2. ‘Shall I take a short cut through the small roads which cuts short the distance?’
3. ‘10 click run to me used to be eating rice, what happen to me?’
4. ‘ Man I should cut down on fatty food and get in shape.’
Perhaps some of us are very tired and wished that sometimes in our Christian walk, in our ministry, we could take the short cut, take a break. That our cell group will turn out well and good without the need to put in too much hard work. That our strongholds will go without having to struggle. But really I feel that GOD is calling us to press on and persevere and to give ourselves no short cut. But keep our eyes focus on him the author and finisher of our faith so that when perseverance finishes it work, you are mature and complete, not lacking in anything- James1
Physically fit because--> discipline in training-->Siong training, Long distance----
---> No problem
Physically unfit--> Out of shape--> ill-discipline--> Inability to cope with siong training
Spiritually stagnant--> ill-discipline in time spent with maker--> losing the reality of GOD in our lives--> Faith degradation--> Inability to stand firm in trials
All it takes is for us to slack off in our relationship with GOD and it may cause us to be insensitive to his voice, lose the reality of GOD in our lives and eventually break away when storms come. Just like my running, all it takes is for me to be caught up in other things and slack off my discipline in training and over time, I become physically out of shape, and unable to cope with the distance run. So watch out!
The last one is interesting.
To cut down on fatty food and get in shape
1. Stop KFC- (Avoid worldly pleasures that makes you out of shape.)
2. Cut down on Carbo intake- Man shall not live by bread (wheat= carbo) alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD. (Read his word!)
Join me to run.
Let me train you.
stop KFC? we will ensure that for u. hahaha.
oh man i think we all need to start running again, myself included.
yes. join me. join me.
Pre-requisite: do 6km at your own first.
School of Runners. Apply now!
Yes officer! How come only 13 pull ups!!! And yes TY i wanna sign up ur school of runners. Need to scan for attendance or not?
where got 13? 12 only..
i also wanna sign up.
never hit 90% attendance must kenah retain isit?
haha!! You want a GOH? I would join to do the opening ceremonies. or even sometimes lead all of you in a run (if you can follow my pace) hahaa....
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