Tuesday, February 27, 2007

if you say so

today my calendar brings me to Deuteronomy 20-23. i learnt that, God detests cross-dressing.


but yes he does.
deut 22:5
speaking of which, God also detests homosexuality.
lev 18:22
needless to say, God also detests prostitution.
deut 23:18

but seriously, from this passage i read,
i found that a rebellious son has to be stoned to "purge evil from Israel".
sure makes us think about how we treat our parents.

for that matter, any sin that could not be atoned for
(like rape, murder, adultery, or not keeping a vow)
the consequences were life-long.
in fact, some of the consequences were life-short, since they involved being stoned to death. by rocks, not drugs.

point is, back then, things were harsh because the consequences took place in the realm of the physical.
what we've been led to believe is that since grace is now come, things are ok.
au contraire, just because we don't have to sacrifice an ox, a lamb and two doves any more doesn't mean that sin has conquered social prejudice and has come to be accepted by society.
well actually that wouldn't be far from present society but

God help us walk right.

last night i uttered something that i couldn't take back.
the consequences were real.
an insensitive remark, albeit in jest, only added strain to that relationship.

God, give me prudence.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is important to remember that God did not suddenly become graceful in the new testament. Our God is a God who is unchanging. The same yesterday, today and forever. Bible tells us His grace is sufficient for us. This applies to us now and also to the people of the old testament. Grace did not just come. It was always there.

This has great implication on our understanding of God. The same God who was full of grace also constantly judged His people in the old testament. What does it mean for us then?

Paul tells is in 2 Cor 5:10 that "... we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad."

YES! WE WILL BE ASSESSED BY GOD how we lead our lives as Christians! While grace shields us believers from condemnation and eternal separation from God, we WILL still be made accountable for the way we have led our lives on earth!

What kind of foundation are you building our life on? Is your house built on the shifty sand by the sea or anchored in rock? Be mindful how you lead your life. It has eternal consequences.