Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Story of His Amazing Grace

"The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God who called me here below
Will be for ever mine"
These are the words from the last verse of John Newton's poem that became the famous hymn Amazing Grace. The one that we know more familiarly - "When we've been there ten thousand years..." is actually a change to the song made in 1909. Edwin Excell, a composer of hymns replaced it with a verse from the hymn "Jerusalem, My Happy Home."

How this last stanza is once again featured back in the song is another interesting story to be told. Chirs Tomlin was approached by a friend who was working on the film "Amazing Grace" to do something for the show. The film itself is based on the real-life story of William Wilberforce who as a Member of Parliament, navigated the world of 18th Century backroom politics to end the slave trade in the British Empire. As Chris thought about what to do with a precious song that was already a classic in itself, the Lord led him to write the extra refrain - "My chains are gone, I've been set free..." Hear it for yourself below.

More on the life on John Newton. Though he started out as a captain of a slave trading ship, the Lord came to him one day and he gave his life to Christ, finally, becoming a clergyman (a minister of Christ). It was during this time that he constantly encouraged William Wilberforce in his push to put an end to the slave trade. Watch this to find out more.

What really touched me about this entire story was how the Lord's redemptive purpose for John Newton's life shown through as God used the former slave trader to be an encourager to the person who would subsequently be instrumental in bringing an end to the British slave trade in 1807. As I read more about the history of John Newton and William Wilberforce, I could not but stand amazed before our God who orchestrated the freedom of his people. Indeed, we are greatly blessed to be found within His Amazing Grace. Be blessed by the song.

Find out more about the story of the Amazing Grace here.
Find out more about the movie here.

Joshua Teo

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