Friday, March 9, 2007



life is a series of adventures.
o that God be real in mine.

i was told,
"If anyone touches something unclean - whether human uncleanness or an unclean animal or any unclean, detestable thing - and then eats any of the meat of the fellowship offerings belonging to the Lord, that person must be cut off from his people." - Leviticus 7:21
"'Seperate yourselves from this assembly so I can put an end to them at once.'" - Numbers 16:21
REPEATED IDEA: cut off; seperate.

the question is, WHY?
isn't everyone guilty of sin?
shouldn't everybody then be destroyed?

the common thing about the previous 2 examples is that both partiestobecutoff had gone closer to the Lord's presence, but with sin in their lives.

hownowbrowncow? whatisthewordforme?
God cannot tolerate sin.. right? right.
sin seperates us from God.. right? right.

but God LOVES us SOOOOO MUCH that he doesn't want us to remain SEPERATED by sin.
so he sent his Son to remove the veil between God and man.
and where did all God's wrath and judgement fall upon? not us, but on Jesus.
such is his LOVE and GRACE for me. and u. and u. and u. and u. and everyone.

we all want to loveGodMORE, to obeyhisWordMORE, right??
but first, i feel God telling me that he LOVES me.
that he CUT OFF his only Son for my sake.

obey his Word for WHAT PURPOSE? out of fear of CURSES? out of greed of BLESSINGS?
i want to OBEYhisWord because GodLOVESme.

Daddy loves u.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Obedience comes out of knowing God's love. Discipline come out knowing God's grace.