Wednesday, August 8, 2007

100 000

The 100k i believe has caused a positive change in the lives of many. I for one testify to that. When Pastor Ed Silvoso shared about the 4 levels of christians in the marketplace i knew i would have fallen into the 1 - 2 maybe 1/2 level category. 100k has caused us to rise the levels to be one that is involved in the transformation of the marketplace.
Another wonderful thing it has done is that it subtly molds us to know what it means to be a salt and light of the world full of darkness. When we take effort to go to our colleagues/classmates/army mates to bless them we inevitably become conscious of our behavior and the way we portray ourselves as marketplace ministers. So it changes us for the better even in our character to an extent.

Today i completed blessing my entire platoon in army with the 100k. Though it may sound easy but to me i never ever tot i'll be able to do that. i thank God.
I thank God for the times i went out in search of people to bless and got rejected countless times and how at the end of the day when we do our count we still meet our targets..

I realized that when we go in the name of Jesus, He will never fail us. Somehow. As one of my favorite verses clearly expresses in Isaiah 55:5 that His ways are always higher than ours. We just have to step out on the water and WALK.

I am very encouraged also to know how God really remembers our faithfulness in the small things we do. Maybe some of us ponder at times if 100k is making any changes in the lives of those we blessed.
Its too early to tell. Lets be patient and see how God turn the tides for us.

Meanwhile we just have to...

"Hi have you heard of the hundred K k k challenge? *wink wink*"

Proud of you guys! Kudos!

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