Friday, August 31, 2007



Next to him, Meremoth son of Uriah, the son of Hakkoz, repaired another section, from the entrance of Eliashib's house to the end of it. - Nehemiah 3:21

the rebuilding of Jerusalem's wall - it took an incredulously short period of time.
it was a miraculous feat only possible with God.

this reminds me of a story:
not so long long ago, in a galaxy not so far far away, 10,000 people who called themselves warriors embarked on a campaign. it was called the Hundred Kay.

it may have officially ended, and you might be asking yourself if it was just another campaign, or if it had actually made any significant impact.
let the story of Nehemiah and the rebuilders encourage you, then.

the rebuilding of the wall was undertaken by many people. each was assigned their portion to rebuild, and the effort of each participant contributed to the miraculous success of the entire wall's restoration. every participant counts.
your effort counted.

the names of every rebuilder were documented carefully. each participant became a hero, and brought glory to their father's name. their names were recognised and honoured in the book of Nehemiah.
God remembers you.

the enemies of the rebuilders were afraid. when they witnessed the miraculous feat, they lost their self-confidence, because they realised that God was supreme. the victorious campaign of rebuilding made a statement; it struck fear in the enemy.
we are victors.

thank you, Lord, for the Hundred Kay.

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