Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Be Impressed with God of the How Much More!

192 BLESSINGS since Saturday night.

580 BLESSINGS since 8 July 2007.

Am I impressed by the numbers? No.
It was never just about the numbers. What am I impressed by? When I saw us coming together on Sunday helping each other out to be a blessing to people in Singapore. When i witnessed each other fumble a little as some of us approached strangers for the first time, yet we pressed on, not giving up, knowing that in the security of God's family, we can be bold to try again. When we hung in there, making sure that each of us were able to bless 5 before we called it a day. When we allowed ourselves to be a fool for Christ, pressing on even though we experienced many rejections.

I believe our faith has been built up. Not just personally and individually, but as JT tribe. I believe that God has enlarged our capacity to love the people around us. I have heard many of you share about how each time you go out, you are more aware of the people around you who need God and how you went forth in boldness to help and be a blessing to them. I believe that we have understood a little more what it means to make blessing our lifestyle and that God has engineered this little exercise to soften our hearts to give us new freedom to go forth and bless.

I believe too that God has used the 100k Campaign to soften the ground in Singapore and caused many to be drawn to Him.

That's what I am impressed about. That's WHO I am impressed with - God.
I'm reminded again about the 2 verses that have guided us through this campaign and this Year of Victory.

2 Corinthians 2:14
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.

Zechariah 4:6
So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty."

I believe these 2 verses clearly exemplified our experiences during the 100K. Truly the Lord has remained faithful to His word. Truly He is God who is real and who desires to bless His people. Let us take a minute to praise Him for give honour to Him. Amen.

Joshua Teo

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