Monday, June 4, 2007



" But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. " - Ephesians 2:13

thank you, God.

1. we were all by nature far away.
2. we have been brought near by Jesus' sacrifice.
3. DO we believe it?

we were all the same, living in far far away land.
there is no 'i am holier than thou'.
there is no 'great sinners'.
self righteousness is nought.
we are all the same.
we were all far away from God.

Jesus died for one and all. sinners and 'holy' people. Jew and Gentile.
redemption. one way. Jesus.
by no other way can we attain holiness, or nearness, or closeness.
nearness cannot be attained. it is a given.
when we sin, we do not become far from God.
do not let Satan deceive you that you are a miserable loser whom God hates.
do not let your 'far-ness' cripple you from doing big things for God.
yes, God hates sin. but he has already forgotten them all, because Jesus has paid the price.
therefore, we will always and forever be near to God.
hurray for Jesus!

all it takes is for us to BELIEVE.
DO we believe it?

believing calls for a changed life.

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