Sunday, June 3, 2007



" No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. " - 1 John 3:6

strong words..

i had an interesting conversation with Tristan yesterday.
and this verse sums up one of the points i was telling him about.
about what it means to truly believe in Jesus.

if we truly really believe that he has died for our sins and has totally forgiven us,
i don't think we can have the heart to continue living in sin.
if we only realised the true greatness of his love for us, we would be touched beyond measure. we would be touched to change for the better.

sometimes it is too abstract to believe, so we need an example, like
if u were on a death penalty waiting to be hanged, and someone innocent came along and took ur place, and then u suddenly find urself free to go, while that innocent man dies in ur place. i think when given a new lease of life, we won't have the heart to dwell in sin anymore.

yes, we will inevitably continue to sin,
but we recognise that there was a Saviour,
who while we were yet sinners, took all our sins away.
and now we are free. if we believe.

MY APPLICATION: i believe i can and will be free from the bondage of sin. i have already been redeemed. i am set free. to sin no more under bondage.


Unknown said...

Yes, you can walk free becoz of His Grace...

Key to stop sinning: Is to see Him or Know Him. Its about having initimate relationship (experience) with God and not just knowing about Him. And knowing the God of the bible and not what our limited knowledge of who we know Him to be...

dannytheboy said...

excellent deduction.

should've expounded on that..

thanks! :>