Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ed Young- You are creative

"You are Creative genius". Creativity -You've got it Now use it!
Creativity is from God. Being Creative means being Comfortably Uncomfortable.

Why must we be Creative?

Gen 1:1 - Father created/invented it
Eph 5:1 - We are called to imitate the Father

If you wont be you there will be a gap in God's Creative order.

Matt 13:34 - Son modeled it (The creative way he taught the gospel, only now we are discovering it)
2Cor 3:17- Holy spirit empowers creativity

How do we do it in a whole another level?
We have to ride on the raggard edge of creativity IN THE LOCAL CHURCH.
like in Act 2.

John 6:35 - Church is like the table on which the Bread is served.
What must a church look like?
1/3 of those who are hell bound
1/3 of those new believers
1/3 of those who are mature and fired-up

Its about being Consistently inconsistent.
So that we can be comfortably uncomfortable.
Comforted by Christ Uncomfortable for Christ

But Every time you hit a whole new level- you will meet a whole new Devil.
Because change is involved.

Change - Conflict - Growth

Story of the biggest flea market in Kent, taxes
They are eating in a picnic table and there was a lady giving them a sample
of what they were already eating. And she went to the other people who were
already having their lunch. Instead of just going out of the shaded area to give
the sample to those who haven't eaten yet. Ironically its the church today.
we should be feeding the hungry outside.

Jesus said "Go" - sending us in twos as sheep among the wolfs.
He said "go" and It is not to be comfortable.

HOW to apply creativity?

1. Prayer
"God unleash the creativity".

2. Be willing to go through labour and delivery

3. Make time for the faded waves
We are busy. Over-committed. Over the top.
Dive into things that match God's rhythm. "Breaks" our schedule that
is important.

4. Install the confusion principle
Change your workout every month - with that principal it confuses the muscle so that it grows.
Same way. Creatively pray, do QT, do something else.

Application: To be creative in the way I run cell. How?

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