Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Let our 'ACT' bless

My friends, I hope we are faithfully fasting and earnestly laying hold of GOD for the 100k blessing!

As I was praying yesterday, I felt GOD impress upon my heart a group of people that he wants us to be praying for.

In participating for the campaign, some of us may be turned down and we would be short of the opportunity to bless that person.

God wants you to know that his heart goes out to that person as well, even if he has rejected him.
So what can we do?
I pray that our ACT of wanting to be a blessing, the ACT itself of choosing to bless and the ACT of our commitment to GOD will itself move these people who reject us. That beyond the offering of blessing, the ACT of wanting to be a blessing will be a blessing to them and through that, may this ACT of ours reflect JESUS.

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