Friday, July 13, 2007



When the child grew older, she took him to Pharaoh's daughter and he became her son. She named him Moses, saying, "I drew him out of the water." - Exodus 2:10

everyone knows the story of Moses and how he was found by Pharoah's daughter. but I am again reminded through this story of how God works.

to Moses' Mother, the world was seemingly crashing down on her. it was probably the last time she was going to see her son. she was saying her last goodbyes. the situation was hopeless.

to Pharoah's daughter, the discovery of the child in the basket was purely coincidental - why, she was just going for a bath. the meeting with the Hewbrew girl (Moses' sister) was probably by chance, too.

to Moses' Sister, she was in hiding; watching; waiting; hoping. her Mum had gone back, but she was curious, possibly praying for a miracle to happen, on the outcome of her baby brother. she wanted to see what would happen. she was clinging on to any glimmer of hope.

and it came.

here we see three situations in life. no matter where we may be - no matter how grim the circumstance, no matter how mundane or coincidental life may be - we know one thing for sure: God is in control. Therefore, we have reason to hope.

God orchestrated the series of events - as dismayed as the Mother may have been, as coincidental as finding something in the river, even softening the heart of Pharoah's daughter to have compassion on the baby boy - to bring about His plan. God is the mastermind. God is the scriptwriter. the director. the producer. the wonderful Creator. He is everything. God is in control.


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