Sunday, August 12, 2007



Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he? - Isaiah 2:22

HAVE YOU EVER been awed by great inventions, or marvelous technology, or splendid contraptions, or just awesome feats performed by man? Then stop awhile and ponder, how little man is compared to our infinite God.

DO WE TRUST in man? We certainly do - We use their contraptions everyday; even live by them.

BUT DO WE TRUST in God? Hrmm..
If we truly believe in a God that is real and big, we won't have trouble trusting in Him.
Therefore, the problem lies with our unbelief. We do not truly believe.

You will not see things you have never seen before until you have done things you have never done before.

Application: Ask God for something unbelievable, and trust that He will bring it to fruition.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

like maybe your 12 by the end of this year...