Friday, August 24, 2007



Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. - Colossians 3:13

it is so easy to say yet so hard to carry out.
humanly, we all have grievances with one another. even the slightest of things can get on our nerves. and even the closest of friends have their annoyances.

we nitpick. we criticise. we label. we judge.
person A is dao. person B is too self-indulgent. person C has an ego problem. person D is too unspiritual. person E is just plain ugly. person F is irritating and he doesn't know it.
we may not confess it verbally, but some of these thoughts are definitely running around in our head, and, as I have discovered, it does show up in our attitude or the way we treat the said persons.

in my current season of getting acquainted with new people, I find myself particularly at risk in this area of judgement-via-thought, or condemnation-via-attitude.
I reconsider the fact that everyone has their imperfections, and we can only love because God first loved us. thus we forgive others' grievances as God forgave us.

it is difficult to love the unlovable, so Lord, help me. give me the supernatural strength I need. it is only through You that I can love the unlovable. thank You for reminding me of Your unecessary love for me. You didn't need to forgive me, but You did.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sometimes, the ugly that we see in others bugs us becos it is the same ugliness that we see in ourselves and hence, we can't take it.

Sometimes, it is the pride in us that make us think that we are better than others.

Like you said, we love becos Christ first loved us. Nobody is unlovable. If we can accept the fact that God died even for that one person we find unlovable, then there is no question about our love for that guy.

If you truly have experienced the love of God in your live, nobody is unlovable. Have you?