Tuesday, October 30, 2007

2 Videos about the Rubik

Remember how we were talking about Rubik's cube? Well, here's a great Christmas gift idea. The post is taken off my blog.

Now, don't you think this will make a really cool Christmas present? You could mass make a couple and give it out to all your friends! It would be a great hands-on project to do with that special person of yours too... if you have one, that is. Ha ha. Aside from that, KS, Daniel, Narash, what say you??? Sounds fun doesn't it?

And here's something else - probably the world's fastest attempt to solve the Rubik's Cube.


dannytheboy said...

yeah man! it looks good! Charles would love it. haha.. how do we drill the holes?

Unknown said...

Can go to Archi workshop to do it. THey got incredible machines there!