Tuesday, October 23, 2007


powerless christians in a dark world - also was i pondering over this matter.
i thought, wouldn't it be cool if today someone could be performing miracles on Moses' scale? why isn't it happening?
has God turned His face from us? or is it us?

But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand compels him. - Exodus 3:19

1. When God wants something done, God will stretch out His mighty hand.
- the problem is not with God; when there are kings of Egypt, God wants to deliver His people.
100% God.

2. When God wants something done, God can use anyone.
- All it takes is a willing man, a man who says, "Here I am."
100% man.

3. When God wants something done, God will be faithful to His vessel.
- Signs and wonders accompanied Moses wherever he went, and he performed some of the greatest miracles known to man.
100% miracle.

ARE there people to be delivered?
WILL I stand in the gap?
AM I willing?

Lord, speak to me. Show me Your heart; send me signs. Here I am, may You lead me to do Your will.

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