Sunday, October 21, 2007

sobering truth

I was reflecting upon Second Timothy 3. Verse 5 stands out tall.

...holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power.

Have i denied the power of God? denied the power of H.S. ? undermined the importance of prayer?

On monday. my platoon had to go down to this place near my house for a wake. a army fren's mom died from cancer.
it was very interesting as when the family asked for people to attend the service, a few of my non-christian frens joined in. and before the service started, while waiting for the pews to be filled up, the pastor gave out tracts. one of which was entitled. "THE END TIMES"
as i read it. i am absolutely reminded that indeed the end times are coming.

I ask myself what am i doing with my life?

The ministry team training indirectly gave me the answers on how i should be living my life as a Christian even in times like this.

Finally its our WALK that matters most to God.

How is our walk brothers? Let the light pierce through the darkness of our soul and out into the world.

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