Sunday, October 28, 2007


I've been going thru a change in my ns life due to my injury. was asking God why did he allow something like that to happen. while i was having cell group last week with zhi hao and george, i was sharing with them abit of my life story and how God changed my life and allowed circumstances to direct me into specific places at different times of my life.
Then i remember Proverbs 16:4

The Lord has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil

As i was expounding upon it. i felt the Lord speak to me. God has made everything for its own purpose. The oceans, trees, animals, insects, cockroaches?.... so i was sharing with them. who do you think God loves more... You or the monkey? its rhetoric.

If God has made everything and we are part of that everything then SURELY, it is God's faithful promise to us.

So. what is your purpose?

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