Wednesday, February 27, 2008


picked up a rather timely book in our focus on intimacy -- i'm currently reading "Drawing Near" by John Bevere, in which he encourages us to know God rather than just know more about God.

some notable points in the book worth pondering about:

"Over the past twenty years of ministry...i've discovered two major groups within the church...the first are those who seek God for what He can do; while the second seek Him for who He is."

"The only way we can create and maintain a hunger for God is to protect our soul by choosing what we fill it with. ...if your soul is filled with...the desires of this world, you'll be full and actually despise the sweet honeycomb of God's fellowship."

am i seeking Him for what i want? (Lord, bless me with this and that..?)
am i full and contented with worldly things? (no wonder i don't hunger for Him..)

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