Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Prayer Buddies

Daniel and I have been praying on Fridays.

A few fridays back, during our time before the Lord, I felt that one of the brothers maybe in danger. So we prayed for all of you.
Then on the next week wednesday (some cny celebrations at Changi Naval base), so I was travelling on a shutter bus to Changi Naval base. Suddenly, the bus veered to the side of the roas (**** super straight road). And it tilted. Scared me for a while. And the bus hit a lamppost and came back on course. Without the lamp, we were gone. We could have toppled over if not for the lamp post...Hmmm lamppost or??? Then I realised WITHOUT GOD, we are gone! A simple thanksgiving for The Lord who saves!

Last friday, Daniel and I felt simply to pray for revival, also deny ourselves and devote ourselves to God. So we just with no agender spent one hour praying in tongues. Awesome TIME... Just very wonderful. And on that day, we came up with a plan, to meet up and to pray together atleast once a month. Of course, all are invited.
This is the thanksgiving part. Then came in the Challenge from Ps Seng Lee to go start prayer meeting everywhere possible. And after came in another heartfelt message and challenge issued by Ps Khong. I can totally see how God is leading us. All in one direction - - - - He is our Shepherd.

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