Thursday, February 28, 2008

^Gift of brokenness

Was brokenness a sad thing? I believed it was far from that. In my prayer time, all I did for one hour was to ask God for the Gift of brokenness.

I asked at my office table. I asked at my home. Ask and I did receive...

All of a sudden, things that broke His heart started breaking mine. No more hardness, just tenderness before the Lord. And I experienced what it meant to live a life of brokenness.

Time flew - I cried - Lord came.

I asked the Lord 'Is this all what it means to be broken before you' ?
I felt the Lord saying its the Opposite of Pride. Pride goes into our heart WHEN we start NOT depending on the Lord for the SMALL things. That's when the Lord prompted to msg a person and when I was msging the person. I just felt so broken as the Lord spoke through. And that person too was broken before the Lord. I thank God for opportunity to speak into the brokenness. God used to me to be a blessing to another person the very moment I asked Him to teach me what brokenness means. He spoke to me that through my brokenness, He will bless many others.

Just something I felt as I was typing this entry.

Who said Life was all EASY but Jesus said come to me and I'll make your yoke EASY.

when Life is not easy, we easily forget God.
when Life is easy, we dont easily remember God.

ALL I can ask of the Lord is MORE!!!

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