Monday, June 4, 2007

Good Catch?

I was having lunch with Joshua Lau and Joshua Chong this afternoon when hailer told us an interesting conversation between his mother and him early this morning.
I’ll attempt to put it in a speech format.

Mama Chong: Joshua Lau and Angus are very good catches, why you never introduce
them to Joy (Joshua Chong’s sister)?

Hailer Chong: Eh… But Angus got girlfriend already…

Mama Chong: Camy is also a good girl, why didn’t you ‘Jio’ her earlier????

Hailer Chong: Huh????

What I was happy about is NOT the fact that all of us are good catches. But it’s the fact that Mama Chong saw Jesus reflected in our lives. My friends, continue to reflect Jesus in your lives. When the world see Jesus alive through your very own life, that’s the very best testimony to point people to Jesus.

Want to be a good catch? The more you reflect Jesus, the better catch you are! That’s why Peter and James caught so many fishes!!!- Okay.. Not funny…


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

hahaha so fishy!