Sunday, September 16, 2007

his love endures forever

another well-loved psalm of mine would be psalms 136.

so every morning i make it a point after coming back from breakfast to read the word of God or just take my guitar and go to the roof top in camp and have a time of solitude. psychologists says 6 weeks is the time needed to make something a habit so im really trying my best to be strict about this time with the lord.

anw if there is any psalm that you would consider cheong hey ( 'naggy' ) in that sense. it would have to be this.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.
His love endures forever
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His love endures forever...

Now it rings bells isn't it and i bet a song is playing in your head right now.
this psalm is an awesome expression of God's undying promise to us! that no matter what! His love endures forever.
i used to think that God in the old testament is more of an just, disciplinary God compared to the new testament.

but this psalms hits home the truth. that God's love for his people, for us is still the same.




P/S: be praying for me that even as i go back to camp and suffer for another 7weeks that the Lord will strengthen me and keep me safe from harm and that i will be that salt and light to the people around me.

love you guys.

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