Saturday, September 8, 2007

The next generation!

Palsms 45:16-17
Instead of the Fathers, its the sons

Its about the father building the generations that supersedes them.

Predictability Unpredictable
Father- established, knowing, proven and tried
Son - Unestablished, unknown

To have a commitment to the unpredictable.

There were 2 pastors - 1 of the son had exploded the father's ministry and the other was trying hard to keep going.

Jesus was random (unpredictable)
John 4- A Jew speaking to a Samaritan lady! How was moving into the unknown. Jesus was always talking about the practical stories Through the parables he told- Jesus challenged it towards the unpredictable.

Some areas we need to be Predictable
-Loyalty is not skin-deep
Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. - We cant have everybody as a friend. And therefore Loyalty should be predictable.

- Reliability
The people are gracing by us by being there in Time for the service,
'Time of service' - Punctuality expected and must be followed through. It for the start and the End.

i know i believe i am persuaded i am committed- says Paul

Living by your own conscious. Very impt as a leader...

Not only Good starters but GOOD finishers as well.
You are built for great things!

- Vision
Commitment to vision is impt. You know what happens when there is no vision.

Predictability is your enemy therefore commit yourselves to unpredictability such as:

- Spontaneity
Too much predictability becomes your enemy

- Surprise
Some people hate surprises becoz their comfort is rattled
Don't like surprises becoz they want to be in control

-Innovation brings life
Go into the untried and unproven

- Creativity
Being artistic and being creative aren't the same things

We come from our fathers. We honor them. We acknowledge their wisdom.
But dont take things back to the fathers.

- Influence
Don't get influenced by the daily things that is always done before.

- Challenge the structure.

Message is scared but the method must change.
Word of God never changes.
Move things towards the sons. there would be freshness, fresh life, newness..

-Empowering the generation (2Nd phase)
Not setting up the new generation to win. letting go is the harder part.
the idea is one of building princes.

-Experiences cant be our master
We overate experiences.
Experiences and wisdom aren't necessarily the same things.

- Textbooks cant build churches
Some people are always looking for the next book.
Let readers be readers of life of people
Books have to be a servant.

- Structure and Programs
Keep the structure under the surface. Not that its not impt.
We need a certain order so that everything runs.
But must understand which should be the master and servant.

Who put culture in charge.
EX: Denmark's culture - Is one that tells its people Not to stand out.
It will stop them from doing what which is unpredictable.
Hey culture has its limitations

-Heritage/ backgrounds
Nv allow heritage to bound you.
Be more loyal to your father than the past
Unpredictability - makes history . Yes, we do learn from history
Predictability - Serves history and repeats history

We honor father. Children must obey parents.
My loyalty is to the father outweighs the loyalty to the father's pasts.

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