Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Skydive Experience in Sydney

1. The prep phase - Key to the experience. Strap yourself and learn the key moves. One of the move is called " Do the banana".

2. The take off phase - Having all the mixed emotions as the plane was rising higher and higher. But the path was being laid for the experience itself.

3. The Leap off phase - Red - Yellow- GREEN. Single mindedly getting ready to jump off to a totally new experience. The only way to taste it. Open your eyes and ENjoy...

4. The Freefall phase - AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Heart in my mouth. Clouds beneath my legs. I am flying without wings. I am falling actually. When is it going to end. The wind is uncomfortably rushing at my face. Oh ya the parachute! I trust it would open. Well, its a beautiful sight anyway.

5. The Open Parachute phase - What a relieve, it opened. But the gravity is still pulling me down. Lets go to our landing phase. More time to enjoy the scenery.

6. The Landing phase - It would nice and smooth with the proper posture and catching the right wind. Phew! Awesome. Will I do that again?! hmmmm to be answered again.

Clarence's and My (Generalised) reflection:

- Every Cause requires a Cost.
- The Cost can deter you from the Course.
- But the Cause can bring you through the Cost and Complete the Course.
- Conviction to the Cause or Calling is very impt.

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