Thursday, September 6, 2007

True Humility- John bever

1Cor15: 9 was written in 56AD by Paul.
Paul by then was an established pastor. And By 66-67Ad he was beheaded.

False humility is deception. People often react in a humble manner to compliments. When a boss says 'Good work', oh its not me but Jesus la. But inside their heart, they go like 'take a good LOOK at me, yea, me me' . But Paul wasn't like that. He considered himself as the least of the apostles. He was able to separate himself from everything else that he has done. Humility keeps us protected.

Then there's the story of the 10spies and Caleb. 10spies say that the enemy cant be defeated. Number13:30 Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it."
And other spies said in Number13:31 But the men who had gone up with him said, "We can't attack those people; they are stronger than we are."
Who is the prideful one in this story? Caleb who seems to yayapapaya or the men who made a much more rational judgement. Answer: CALEB whose confidence was in the Lord.

Numbers 12:3
How to cloth yourself with humility... if you don't know what it is.

Eph 3:7-8
What is True humility? When we are completely and utterly dependant on Him.

A. Eph 3:7-8 Paul is speaking 3 years before he was beheaded.
He could not have written false humility in the bible. Unless of course it has been sowed that way. He must have been a humble man. It is inspired of the Spirit. Can't be a lie.

B. 1tim1:15 - Paul says he is the bottom of the barrel. He is pressing on.......... He did'nt let pride creep into his life.

C. Psalms 25:9 - We can be Humble. out of the intimate knowledge of God, Israel knew his acts but Moses knew His ways.
Could this be the reason why Moses, Abraham, David, Paul knew Jesus so intimately.

D. The more we see Him the more we transform like Him.
Isaiah 57:15 - Those with a Humble spirit, dwells in Him
James4:8 - with word 'humility' sandwiched in it

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