Tuesday, March 20, 2007



this is the 100th post.

the Holy Spirit brought me to,
"As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God." - 1 Peter 4:2

where he = Jesus
he has modelled for us how we are supposed to live our earthly lives for the will of God.
and not to pursure our evil human desires.

evil and human desires seem to be synonymous.
a friend once commented that everything carnal within us is contradictory to the Spirit.
hmm, quite true indeed.

let us inspect our earthly lives. our GOALS. our ASPIRATIONS. our AMBITION.
WHAT are we chasing after? WHAT are we pursuing?
and most importantly,
WHAT is it that drives us?
is it our evil human desires? or is it driven by the will of God?

i think it is important, as youth, to first determine our DIRECTION in life.
WHERE are we headed? and for WHAT?

it is not wrong to be wealthy, to be successful, to be happy, to be contented.
in fact it is what God desires for us.
but the QUESTION again is, what drives us?
is it human greed? selfish ambition? lustful desires? pride?
do we crave our own success and happiness above God's will?

let us search our hearts.
for our carnal desires so easily creeps up and entangles us.
sometimes even without our knowledge.

God's will promises what is best for us.
if we crave riches, our hearts has idolised money success fame fortune above that of God.
who is the God of our lives?
if we crave God's will for our lives, we will be satisfied.
but don't let our motivation for following God be that of our personal gain.

don't ever. ever! NEVER.

Lord, don't ever let me stray from following your will. reveal the condition of my heart to me: are my desires of my heart your desires or my own? Lord, i trust you. i dedicate my heart to following wherever your will leads me to, so reveal your will for my life with clarity, o God! i want to be led by you, not myself. so say the word, and i will follow.


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