Wednesday, May 16, 2007



" Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. " - James 4:17

wow, doesn't that make us mighty sinners, then?

we ought not to boast. "..i have donated $1 million to the poor!"
nor feel self-righteous. "..i pray 10 times a day!"
yes, they are noble deeds, but
it is not by these works that we have earned our salvation.

instead, we should recognise that we were all sinners once doomed for eternity.
it was only by grace that we were saved,
not that we may boast, but that we may recognise God's compassion for us.
humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

IF there is GOOD that ought to be done, do it.
for such was Jesus' attitude. such was God's grace.

may we not come to the point where we think we are 'holy enough' and hence neglect the need to do 'petty good deeds'.
holiness is not self-earned, it was purchased with a life and then given unto us, and in gratitude we can only hope to mirror it - via good deeds.

this is not a call to slavery.
it is a call for OBEDIENCE. to God's good work.

it only takes humility to say, "yes, Lord. here am i, use me."

MY APPLICATION: to not turn a blind eye or deaf ear to good deeds. yes, i cannot save the world, but at least i can be a kind soul for a few in need. may apathy be gone. in humility, i will be a blessing to those around me. i will be a blessing to at least 1 person today.

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