Sunday, May 27, 2007

this location...

As many of you know. my shoulder dislocated.
i thank God i am able to move my arm as if it is normal now. pray for a full recovery alrite? dun want it to come out now and then.

I was really asking God why did he allow this to take place. All i wanted in Army was not to get injured and finish all my training together with my buddies. but no. God has another plan for me. so thus im sitting out training for the next 6 weeks which includes 3 outfield exercises. maybe its time for me to rest.

Today preacher landa cope spoke about God's call in our lives. although she had no 3 point sermon but in the midst of her sharing i think she reaffirms that God designed each and every one of us specifically with different skill sets, talents and gifting. I feel very encouraged listening there and somewhat excited about how God can use us just as we are. I'm praying that God will give us the faith to believe and dream big for him. For ourselves, for our people.

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