Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sin is Shiok?

I'm staying over at Joshua Chong's place for the night
and I just came out from the shower...

Minutes ago when i was splashing myself with water,
I was reflecting on the journey GOD is leading me through
and I felt his prompting on sharing with you about the issue of SIN over the
next few days.

Sin is pleasurable - Day 01
The consequence of Sin- Day 02
We have a way out- Day 03

Somehow, SIN seems pleasurable ain't it?
Remember the thrill and excitment you got when you shoplifted/ stole something when
you were younger?

Playing truant and climbing out that school gate was fun wasn't it?!???

What about the release of 'High' when you hooked up that babe at the bar counter?

Or is it the temporal satisfaction you got back in the toilet?

Yes, SIN is pleasurable.
It was even recorded in the bible!
'She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious...'- Gen3:6

I say again, SIN is pleasurable.
And because they are pleasurable, you fight it, struggle with it and find
it hard to surrender and give up on it, because you feel that you can't help it.

But know that there are consequences to these sinful pleasures!

Learning point: Sin is pleasurable, and we can fall into them without us knowing
or we even deceieve ourselves that its ok since it feels good!
Watch out that we're not acquainted with these pleasurable activities
that pains the heart of God!

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