Saturday, May 5, 2007

^ Miss you

Psalm 116: 15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

This is a psalms of Thanksgiving for what the Lord has done.
What does this show to us about God?

He answers prayers..

I went for a wake this afternoon.. And saw this verse! And I was pondering over it.

I thought it was very significant.. Just imagine, you bought a good handphone. It was precious in your sight. New and it did what you wanted. After sometime, it started to give problems after problems. And broke down alot. Then oneday expectedly it dies on you. Will it be still precious? Many of us would have been thinking " Whats the next good handphone in the market?". I would have! But the death of those are faithful to God is precious in His sight. I felt God's love.

What then will be my response to His Love for me?
I want a stable relationship whereby I dedicate an hr for Him... I feel I have neglated this aspect of my walk. I feel not good about it at all. But God's love remains, it hasnt changed. I guess the words 'Miss you' resounds in my head... Do i miss Him as much as He misses me.. Oh no. I have to change my ways. I need to prayer. Without Him, I'm nothing...

Narash (Lion of God)

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