Friday, May 11, 2007



" "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" " - Mark 1:15

that was all Jesus said.
he didn't need to debate over theologies and doctrines.
he didn't force dogma on others.
he simply proclaimed the good news of God.

he taught as one who had authority.
he moved in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
i think the key idea is that
the warfare is spiritual.

physically, Jesus was normal. he did normal ordinary actions.
but which produced powerful outcomes.
the difference was that he had the giftings of the Holy Spirit.
the same Holy Spirit that now dwells in us.

HAVE u ever engaged in religious debate and wound up nowhere?
HAVE u ever tried to save someone using logic?
maybe we should ask for the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

for when the anointed speaketh, simple as the wordings may be,
the words go forth in power, bringing salvation to those who hear.
we should learn to tap more into the ever available power of the Holy Spirit.

because the warfare is in the spirit realm.
SALVATION is wrought about not physcially, not mentally, not emotionally, but spiritually.

MY APPLICATION: to pray at least once every week for my unsaved friends.
prayer moves the hand of God.

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