Monday, May 28, 2007

Goodbye My friend

Xiao Qiang passed away on the 25th May. It was a shocking news for me because it was just too sudden. I went to view his friendster account today and saw some of the photos we took together, the ones at Thai Pan at Joshua’s place. The fact that he posted so many photos on ‘that day’ shows that he treasures the fellowship, he treasures the memories, and he treasures you Joshua. I thank God that he has brought you into his life. From the photos he posted, I believe he is very thankful and look up to you a lot Joshua, because you’re someone who is different, someone who is interested in his life, and more than that, someone who believes in him, and through you, he found Jesus.

I could still remember him sending me the whole of Psalms 23 one of the days while I was chatting with him on Msn. And I thank god that he is with the shepherd now, and he shall not be in want.

One of Joshua’s task for me is to pray a prayer of blessing for Xiao qiang’s father (In Chinese) at the wake. Being surrounded by many Buddhist monks as well as on-going chanting and weird stares by some of the relatives, I felt quite intimidated. But I had my family with me, Charles, George, Ivan, Angela, Rachel, Joshua’s Dad and Mum and because of that, I fear no longer because the family is with me. Joshua’s mum (Super mum) is really superb, she went to pray for Xiao qiang’s mother whom she has not met before. She is more ‘garang’ then this little mouse typing this post. That ‘attitude’ and ‘heart’ of just wanting to be a blessing, wanting to be a comfort, the wanting to reflect Jesus just blew me off the chair. I wanna be bold and courageous for Jesus.

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