Thursday, May 3, 2007



mayday mayday bravo-twoseven is going dowwwnnnnnnnn...

" Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too am working." " - John 5:17

funny how the Holy Spirit spoke this Scripture to me on a public holiday.

God doesn't have holidays.
God works everyday. to this very day.
Jesus, too.
DO we live as if we believe it?

ARE we still believing God for healing, miracles, blessings?
OR have we lost hope? saying "maybe God is busy answering too many phone calls.."?


God is interested in us too much to take a break.
he watches over our coming in and going out.
he never slumbers.
how GREAT is our God.
how GREAT is his love.

are we tapping into the POWER of our great God?
are we believing in his incredible MIGHT? his unfathomable ABILITY?
or have we lost HOPE?

it's time we found it again.

a new hope.

MY APPLICATION: i think it is still my tuition kid, Shalom. and the lives of my pre-believing JC friends. hope..! pray for them!

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