Friday, April 13, 2007



" "They will be mine," says the Lord Almighty, "in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him. " - Malachi 3:17

surely this was talking about the second coming of Jesus and how "those who feared the Lord and honored his name" would be taken up with him before the start of armageddon on Earth.

we all desire to hear the Lord say to us, "u are mine."
but HOW?
the Lord calls those who fear the Lord and honour his name as his.
like a son who serves him.
so a son who does not fear the Lord and honour his name does not serve God.

but, we say, "got what..! i did this and this and that.."
but did we do it for the Lord?
did we do it because we respected the authority of our Daddy and wanted to honour and bring glory to his name?
if we did not, it would be equivalent to not serving him at all.

are u a son who serves our Daddy? or are u not?
are u his?

APPLICATION: Lord, i want to serve you. the right way. out of respect and honour. because you are Daddy, and i love you. let me not do the things i do out of wrong motives, or with none at all. let me be called yours.


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