Thursday, April 26, 2007



" But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. " - Malachi 4:2

(i duno about u, but leaping calves from the stall certainly makes me lol. haha! boing, boing..)

wooo.. HEALING!
isn't that the buzz word now?
don't we awll wanna see a 'lil more healin' roun' 'ere?

but the question is,
DO we revere God's name?
cuz for us who do, then behold, healing is on its way!

so now the question has become,
HOW do we revere God's name?

to answer that,
we look at the previous verses,
to observe what is not revering God's name.

revering God is NOT:
being arrogant.
doing evil.
all of the above-mentioned persons "will be stubble" and "will (be) set...on fire".
so says the previous verses.
ouch. i hope that won't be me. or you.

if we revere our earthly Dads, how much more should we revere our heavenly Dad?
and out of our reverence should come:
humility, and
good deeds.
they are but a by-product of reverence.
DO NOT seek to be humble and do good deeds for doing's sake.
choose first to revere our heavenly Father.

MY APPLICATION: pray a prayer of hope for Shalom's healing, my tuition kid with muscular distrophy.

Lord, i revere you. let me be a blessing to others. i want to let others leap like calves released from the stall. because your Word says they will. Lord, i claim your promise! let me be a bringer of hope to your children.



Livingsword said...

It seems to me that this verse has a higher "ignition" when you take into account the context of the verses around it. The reverance of God is certainly "amplified" when in position to the alternative.

dannytheboy said...

yes, indeed.
reading Scripture in context helps to identify what God intends to teach us.

anyway, for curiosity's sake, how did u wind up on our blog? :>

Livingsword said...

I was exercising the “next blog” button and came across the blog; I thought it was interesting and have bookmarked it for further visits. If you would like to learn more about me then check out my profile and visit my blogs if you are interested; I would welcome your comments.

Livingsword said...

By the way I noticed you are form Singapore. I have been bouncing into a lot of people from there on the blog pages. Is blogging a very big deal there? I am finding some interesting articles for people there.

dannytheboy said...

haha, nice..

sunny Singapore, yes.
blogging is.. quite popular here, i must say. haha, especially among the younger generation, who unfortunately tend to do alot of ranting.

hey, ur blog's quite interesting too. and i also like the song "God of Wonders".. nice!