Saturday, April 14, 2007

Remember to be thankful.

Hey brothers, just wanna share with you guys that this week has been a hectic week for me... quite a lot of work to be done plus show days on Thursday, Friday, and worse still, Saturday AND Sunday... Going out for show means that I have to leave work behind at the office for my colleagues to do and they don't do it!! Super lazy!! And another colleague chose to go on a holiday this week when we could well do with him around... However, the Lord reminded me not to forget to thank Him, whether in the good times or the not so good times...

Psalm 30:11 - 12
You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.

Yesterday, I woke up horribly late... I was supposed to report to orchard at 10am and i woke up at 10:05... I went in to a frantic rush and reached at about 10:50 but ofcourse still kena minus off... to makes things worse, it was the super important show with all the ministers and generals coming to watch.. Just FYI, I'm singing with MDC for the 40th anniversary of national service in Singapore... the exhibition is outside takashimaya... at the civic plaza... quite a big display of army, navy, air force, police and civil defence... Anyway, we did a show run in the morning for practice and to my horror... my voice was like totally dead... because i just arrived out of bed and didn't have any time to warm up... my manager was rather unhappy with me because of my lateness and cannot make it performance during the rehearsal.. I was quite worried and started praying and warming up... up till before the actual show I wasn't confident that I would be able to make a few high parts in the song but I prayed really hard... thank God I didn't crack on the actual thing if not I would have gone to bury my head in the ground and my manager would probably skin me alive haha... Even though I was really disappointed with how messed up my whole day was, I ended the day thanking God from saving me at the last moment... when I was going to sing that part of the song that was difficult for me I was really trusting God and thankfully He pulled me through..... not the best I could've done but atleast i didn't zao sia or anything... And today, God showed me His faithfulness by blessing me with a good show and nothing went wrong... People were saying that today is friday the 13th, a day when people see as "unlucky"... but my God is bigger than any superstition and is more than willing to bless us on any day!

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