Saturday, April 21, 2007

^ Quarrels

Proverbs 13: 10 Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

So could there be another reason for quarrels? Looks like the answer is NO. Yes, I've quarrel with my superior. Whatever the fact and truth maybe. There could be a possibility of even personal preference and based on individual's opinion. Rather than who is right or wrong.

The meaning of the word 'Breeds'- keeping it alive, healthy and feeding onto it.

How can one take advice- Open mind and Open hears.. One who hears with the heart and mind.

To be paitent and always be humble before people and most importantly before the Lord. My fight is NOT against flesh and blood. If i have problem with a leader then isnt my problem with God. Its tough, Lord. I'm at my wits end. Help me, Oh God. I offer my soul to you...

Narash (Lion of God)

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